Thursday, January 8, 2009

These are the results of the combinations of my serious lack of enough knowledge in flash and my stong desire to do sth about the Christmas.I 'm not a Christian but I am happy when I hear the X mas songs :)
I decided I wanted to do one in every year ...and well...that decision lasted for 2 years :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I like your blog and some of your photos on Flickr. I am a photographer too, amateur relly. You visited my blog, too. \\\"moeoo-graphic\\\" remember? As you know, blogspot is banned in our goddamn country and as a result, I wasn\\\'t able to update my blog in about last six months or so. So, if you are interested, you can see my photos at Also, I would like to discuss photography with u. So, if u are interested, u can email me Thanks.